After too long a period of time, I am happy to be back and adding a new post to my blog; and have just discovered that it is now easier to add will be quicker to update from this point forward.
Today began the first day of Autumn. What a beautiful day it was. Emma and I (my dog for any that have not been following my blog) headed out for a morning outing.
The view looking toward the woods from my parking spot...and by chance my last official picture taken during the Summer of 2012, as Autumn began a few minutes later.
I headed northeast, in the direction of the distant trees in the picture above. I had a first destination in mind that I wanted to photograph, but as so often happens, the day sometimes sets it's own pace or schedule, and I never did get to that spot.
Looking overhead, there were numerous Turkey Vultures don't get me today buddy!
Keep moving along......
I encountered several large puffballs along the way. I have never eaten these, but have read and been told they are edible and tasty when properly prepared. It must have been hat day for them......a bit odd....but proper protection from the elements I suppose......
As I was moving along through the woods at the edge of a clearing, I detected a very distinctive odor....decaying flesh. I started looking about and came across this Whitetail Buck. If I had found him, and those in the following pictures, a few weeks from now; I would have assumed they were casualties of the hunting season, that a hunter could not find. These all must have passed on from old age/natural causes.
This doe was laying near the river, and again I found her from the smell.
As I looked down the river bank, I saw what appeared to be antlers, and found the carcass of a nice buck at the water's edge. You always hear that a deer will head to water when they are dying. I would say that this big guy was sipping water with his last bit of strength.
Of course, as typical of many of my must see pictures of the Middlefork River
Emma absolutely loves her time on our do I of course. She spends lots of time roaming about, and when near water, a great deal of time in it.
Along the way, I came across some Autumn Olives and stopped for a snack. I do not know why they have that name. There is no resemblance in appearance or tast to olives. They are quite sweet. I enjoy eating them, but would like to seem them all cleaned out and destroyed. They are an invasive species that spreads very rapidly, forcing out the native bushes.
What was on the menu for Box Turtles today? Well fall mushrooms of course! I came across this guy..possibly gal....munching on a mushroom. In the close up you can see that it had it's face buried into the mushroom....must be yummy.
Another Box Turtle I came across.
A nice Ginseng plant with berries. This plant is mature; could be dug; and the berries planted, but I left it to continue growing.
I was quite surprised to find a patch of Goldenseal as I passed through the woods. This is the first I have found in years. My grandfather always kept some dried roots on hand. He chewed them when he had a cold or sore throat. I could not pass up the opportunity to dig a few to have the roots for my own medicinal use.
The Goldenseal roots.....
To get one of the river pictures, I sat precariously perched on the edge of a high bank, with one foot braced against a small sapling growing out of the bank. I had taken a few pictures, when my phone rang...and of course I took the call. It was a guy that I used to buy screw and drag conveyors from when I worked at a former company...and who was also a friend after all those years. I had not heard from him for a while, so had a nice conversation perched above the river. As we were talking I commented to him that I saw something moving in the river, upstream in the distance. It turned out to be a River Otter. After getting off the phone, I experienced the high point of my hike...watching and photographing the Otter as it swam below me and kept moving closer. It appeared to be gathering food from the bottom of the river. I watched it till it disappeared downstream. What elegant creatures they are.....

With the Otter experience behind me, it was time to head back to the car, which was a mile or so away. As I got near the car, there were numerous Monarch butterflies. They will probably be migrating to warmer climates before too long.
Thus concluded a very nice hike. Emma and I headed home for a nap...........
As always...thanks for stopping by....get out there and enjoy the natural beauty in your area.